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Hotel Pro
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This 4-star hotel is located on the seafront of Benidorm's Levante beach. The perfect place to relax and disconnect, overlooking the Mediterranean sea. Its crystal clear waters, warm temperatures all year round, Mediterranean cuisine and the city's iconic skyline make Benidorm a meeting point for people from all over the world.
Sea views, maximum comfort and luxury at your fingertips.
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Live and feel the costa blanca of Alicante
Benidorm, jewel of the Costa Blanca, is known for its stunning golden sand beaches and iconic skyscrapers. Benidorm awaits you!
Amount Awarded: 200,000€ | Resistir Plus Programme | Subsidised Activity: Fixed Costs
You are a romantic and you know it!
Available from 15/02/2025 to 15/02/2025
We have something special prepared for you...
Reserve your Gala dinner for Valentine's Day with us and enjoy an exquisite menu that we will accompany with live music so you can dance and make this night a very special moment.
Hotel Cimbel
Immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquillity by the sea.